My commercial is done!!


Hii Blog, I'm back! Today I'm finally putting my pictures and videos together. As I said previously, I did two different apps, CapCut and Adobe Photoshop, to see which one has more features and looks better. In my opinion, CapCut has so many more resources that are free for the general public and it's much easier to navigate. Adobe Photoshop is more complex and limits my creativity, since most of the "cool" features are locked. I use about 1.5 seconds of each picture and put a video afterwards. For some videos, I'm putting short clips of around 3 seconds (depending on what it is). For example, l'm using a video from when I was little which is a short little clip of me on a family trip about 11 years ago. Then, for other videos, I'm putting longer clips, like around 15 seconds of each, for example of the vlogs that me and my friends do when we hangout, trying to have a nice ratio of photos to videos. For the duration, I played around with the times, seeing which one worked best and seemed less boring and long to watch. At first, I tried for 5 seconds each picture which ended up being too long, and then around 0.50 seconds, which was a flash speed, so it kind of just gave me a headache. Yet, for the videos, I didn't want them to be so long, to the point that skipping the commercial was a necessity so I made sure to put in somewhat interesting short clips. Also, the organization was kinda difficult since at first I had done all 5 photos first, then around 3 videos which seemed repetitive, so I did the photo›video >photo, which had more organization to it. I'm debating on whether or not to put some sort of transitions into the photos and videos, so right now, I'm playing with the transitions on CapCut since they have the most free ones. For now, I like the transition 'Dissolve I' since its very fun and gives refresh look to the comercial. For the process of choosing the pictures, I made sure to show a variety of age gaps in them, putting some from when I was round 4 to my current ones to really demonstrate that I had my personality clear for so long. For the videos, I kind of did the same process except my mom barely had any videos so I chose the best quality one I could find and, for the rest, I choose current video vlogs me and my friends do when we hangout, even if it's just in someone's living room eating. I did make sure to reall show my personality thru them and not just paint the picture I want Cambridge or my teachers to see (keeping school appropriate wanted course). With my song I'm having a hard time since I'm a big music enthusiast and choosing one song that represents me will be a little hard with the broad options. At the end I’ve chosen to do self-control by Frank Ocean since it’s my classic to listen to. Until next time. Rose signing off!!


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