Choosing Videos!!

  Hii blog, I’m back!! Today, I’m choosing my video and they layout of them. My videos are based on me growing up and the growth of my personality. This process isn’t necessarily easy since I’ve grown as a person but then again i want the videos to show the multiple eras and stages of my life. Some stages like my pictures have been easy and hard so i want to reflect that on the 30 seconds of commercial. To represent myself i want to show the difficult and easier times that have built my character. For my different stages: I’m showing a video of my childhood trip to Margarita, Venezuela. This trip opened up many problems to me since I noticed my parents relationship and different issues with family. For the easier stages: I’m showing currently simple videos that really represent me as a current person right now. My videos are all over the place, just like my pictures these arte all over the place. To find them all, I’ve dogged very deep into my moms and dads facebook, my iCloud photos and my google photos. I literally went thru MILLIONS of videos of recitals, concerts, trips and a day-to-day videos since my childhood. I reflected on multiple stages of my life and personalities. All this memories made me miss my childhood but the growth is undeniable physically and personality wise. Over the years, seeing my growth each and every year it’s amazing to look back at the different amount of change. The years have taught me to not rely on peoples opinions and self-acceptance. This videos show the obvious growth, physical but as you see the videos you can see a big change on my character. I wanted to choose videos that had some type of meaning to me of moments. I wanted to put them on a timeline so the growth would be noticeable but also look aesthetically pleasing. I feel like my videos show my personality very well now and then. My one goal was to portray my personality by this videos and show my essence thru a screen. I hope you can sense it. I’ll be back to finish my commercial, Bye blog!!


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