Inside my brain, The music video!


Hii blog, I’m back!! My group hasn’t started filming yet but we do have an amazing plane for the future. I’m really excited to start filming and editing the music video. For the future I plan to blog all of the future filming we’re doing and the editing. My song is really meaningful which excites me to start filming and inspires me to have the best music video we can. The process of filming is going to start very soon for my group and i hope it’s a fun experience! I’m excited to begin the process of making our story come to life and then telling you guys all about it. This music video needs to come to life soon, i’m extremely excited!!! I also want to learn new experiences all about editing and the different life skills i can learn. I’ve enjoyed doing all the storyboards and the different steps of preparation for this project. I’ve done majority of the preparation due to the fact, i’m not a good actor so i choose to be behind the camera. I’m excited to implement all the previous skills of the lessons and extracts and apply it onto my own project. This project is not only a grade to me but it’s also about the new learning of the skills and this fun experience. My plan for the future music video is to mostly film and get the best shots i can to make the best music video at my beginner capacity. But, am I not only excited for  the music video but also to make our story come to life. The story-line was well thought of and telling a true teenage break up experience. My future blogs ideas are to: Preparation to bring my vision to life, Vision pt.1, Vision pt.2, Ivy is the color I see and Ivy is the color i see, Get ready!!’. For the ‘Preparation to bring my vision to life’ is to describe all of my plans to prepare for the filming and editing of the music video. For ‘Vision pt.1 & 2’ It’s all of the steps of the filming i would do. Lastly, for ‘Ivy is the color i see & Ivy is the color i see, Get ready!!’ will be the first and last step into the editing. Blog get ready!!! See you next time.


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