Introducing my group!

Hii blog, I’m back to introduce my group for the music video!! My group is my two of my dear friends from my media class, Owen and Michelle. Owen and Michelle have been my friends since day one in the class. I was already familiar with Michelle because of a mutual friend. Owen and me became friends in the class. I like Owen and Michelle because they’re scholars and do their work in time. I know if i worked with them we will have a neat and beautiful project. I choose to work with them because in my opinion they’re one in the few people in the class that take work seriously and put their all into an assignment and to not the assignments that have the highest percentage in class. I’m very excited to work with them because of all of our personalities would be in one video. All of ours personalities mixed together with the process of choosing the song really showed how different all three of us are. At first, we had agreed in an album which is ‘Blonde’ by Frank ocean which is a really meaningful album for all three of us. It was hard to come to a conclusion for a song because of all the meaningful songs their is. We also had to think about the music video and what scenes we were going to do. Some of the songs were really descriptive so we had to keep that in my mind too. On our own, my group listened to all 17 songs and brainstormed ideas for our music video. Some of the songs weren’t really songs but voice messages so we immediately discarded that as a choice. After talking about our favorite, we agreed that we like Ivy and Self-Control. We liked both because it had meaning and we could have a really nice video and story. After some debating, we did come to a final choice that being ‘Ivy’ by Frank Ocean due to the close meaning that it has with the teenager experience. After finding a clear version available we decided that as our final choice. Excited for this process, See you soon!!


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