Vision Pt.1: It’s official!


Hii blog, I’m back with the awaited part one of filming!! We planned on to film on two different days to be able to portray the toxic couple feeling through our video. Today, we filmed for the first time the first six scenes. To be honest, I think it took us a couple tries on the first two scenes to get the hang of filming but so far it’s been great! On the first scene, it was the beginning of our couple story which starts with the deja vu flashback of a couple. This scenes took my group and I a couple of tries since we felt so awkward filming and wanted to really show the emotion one may feel in the deja vu moments. By the second scene, since we were away from more people we felt more comfortable and finally understood how to show that emotion. For the third and fourth scene it was a little easier since there was not much people by the restaurant area and the actors and myself, the videographer had gotten more used to the camera and the strong emotions. The fifth scene was one of the funniest to film since we really tried to capture the Point of View angle without making it obvious nor being awkward about it so it had to be filmed multiple time. For our last and final scene, it was pretty easy since it was all about the angle and the emotion portray through the stalking. The first day was a little hard since my group was on a time-frame and have limit schedules. It took me awhile to get used to how to film and the angles to capture the emotions we attempted leaving me to shoot the videos multiple times to show our goal. My group wasn’t able to finish in one day since we are trying to achieve perfection not whatever comes out on the first try. Also, the seriousness needed on set was hard to achieve since at the end of the day, my group mates are my friends leaving some of the most awkward scenes to be funnier. The filming process was not the only thing that was stressful but also even the way there. At the end of the day, my groups schedule tends to be limited due to the different classes so agreeing and getting to the locations was a struggle on its own. Reflecting back, I think Michelle and Owen were great actors and really achieved that teenage toxic love story we were going for. I truly think we’re a great crew for the future projects. Anyway see you back on fuming day #2. Chao blog. See you soon!


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