Genre research: Comedy

Another genre we’re interested in was comedy! 

Common camera angles, movement, and shots: 

 A type of cams used in comedy films are wide shots. They are used to capture the whole scene and incorporate every element including characters, and the environment into the shot. They also provide the ability to show visual gags, reveal funny situations, and showcase physical comedy. Another type of cam is a close-up. Close-ups reveal facial expressions, reactions, and nuances that contribute to comedic timing and deliver. Lastly, another type of angle is a low angle. This helps employ the effects of comedic effects, making characters appear larger than life, and emphasizing physical comedy. 

Common mis-en-scene: 

Some mis-en-scenes that are used are exaggerated costumes. Exaggerated costumes can enhance physical comedy and contribute to the visual humor of the characters. Lastly, there can be props for physical comedy. Cleverly chosen and utilized props contribute to visual gags, slapstick comedy, and humorous scenarios within the film. 

Common Editing: 

Green screening, cutting scenes, VFX (Visual effects), are all editing techniques comedy films use to make it enjoyable and funny. Editing is crafted to amuse and entertain the audience. Visual effects help comedies and help the surrounding environment and characters. 

Common Sounds: 

 Common sounds in comedy movies/shows are laughing tracks. Laughing tracks set the mood for jokes being made in dialogue or even what is being framed in the film. It induces a positive audience and has viewers feel comfortable and have closure with the jokes. 

Movies in this genre: 

- Grown-ups 

- Elf 

- Ten things I hate about You

- Home Alone

Elements of genre we like:

 Comedies are designed to make an audience laugh. It includes light hearted aspects, which appeal to many people when watching a movie. It takes away from the seriousness, and reminds people that they are there to enjoy the show. Timing is an element that is very appealing in comedies. It seems that a joke always pops up with impeccable timing. Our group will definitely be using this, if we are to choose comedy as our genre. The almost evident element that seems to stick out too many people, in a good way, is the humor. Overall, just making the audience laugh intrigues them, which is why it is such a useful element and will be incorporated. 

Elements of genre we don't like:

The element farce is something not so appealing in comedies. They often include a wacky twist, which just ends up making the audience confused and left wondering what the purpose of it was. In the end, taking away from the movie. Another element not appealing in this genre is the exaggeration. It is something that makes the audience cringe from time to time. This is called a slapstick, and in many situations used many times in a row. Once again taking away from the plot. So, we would ignore these as they are not deemed to us, an important elements in comedy. 


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