Genre research: Mystery

Another genre my group is interested in is: Mystery 
  • Common camera angles in mystery: Long shots, Two shots, Closeups, Wide shots, high, low, and aerial angles. Pans and tilts are also used.
  • Common Mis-En-Scene in mystery: Dark hues and subdued lighting are used in mystery films to evoke mystery and suspense. This could also be done purposefully within the plot to keep certain details from the main character. Urban settings are frequently used in mystery films. This is done to make the audience feel comfortable, as this is a familiar environment and could make the audience feel as if it could be them in the circumstance. Characters in mysteries are frequently clothed in everyday attire. The goal is to make it seem nonfictional as possible.
  • Common Editing in mystery: Shot/Reverse shot to show both sides of a conversation, flashbacks used when resolving a mystery, and black and white filters may be used in a flashback.
  • Common sounds in mystery: non-diegetic music is frequently used in mystery and thriller movies to intensify suspense and tension. Often, the music begins softly and gently before picking up speed and volume. Another technique for generating tension and stress in a crowd is to employ silence. It can also be used to emphasize the isolation felt by a character. Diegetic sound is another technique used to build suspense and tension. Footsteps are used to foreshadow an important scene or significant moment. This can also be used to suggest that a character is being watched or that they are all by themselves.
  • Example films of mystery: Thanksgiving, Murder on the Orient Express, Saw X
  • I enjoy that the movie follows the process of solving a mystery. It follows the characters and some of the movies add elements that are observed in thriller movies that keep you on the edge of your seat which is why i would like to do this genre.
  • Many of these mystery movies are too slow and are unexciting and can be boring to some. Some mystery movies go too in depth in solving a mystery and lack action which is what stops me from doing this genre.


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