Planning blog: Location, Participants, Health Schedule


Hii Blog, I’m back with my groups final task planning for the location, participants, health, and schedule!!

In Owens house, outside the house, around the house, in the backyard. 


Owen Goldfond (One of Rose's friends that ends up killing her), 
Michelle Martinez (Another one of Rose's friends that aids in killing her), 
Roselyn Rodriguez (Friend getting killed, after catching friends robbing house) 
Owens Mom/Dad (Aid in filming scenes)


In order to make sure that during the filming process everyone stays safe, I am going to make sure that my parents, who are adults, are around at all times to ensure safety. The scenes will be filmed around my house and in my house, not near any danger at all times. I am going to have my house cleaned and a minimum amount of things laying around, to reduce the chance of accidents. 


December 6th - Intro and group blogs completed. 

December 8th - Completed pitch blog 

December 13th - 3 genre conventions blogs and 1 genre decision blog completed. 

December 18th - Completed 3 movie genre blogs. 

January 14th - Completed my 5 title research blogs 

January 17th - Completed my 3 planning blogs: Script, general info, and the title design blogs. 

January 26th - Completed with my storyboard blog. 

February 1st through March 15th - Completed with 10 production blogs.

February 1st through March 15th - The days and time of filming and editing my shots to finish


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