Production blog: Editing Process Pt. 1


Hii blog, I’m back. Today, my group and I are starting the editing process. Although, I didn’t have much motivation towards the end of the filming process.I’m glad to announce we have all of the scenes done. My groups designated editor is Owen. Even Though Owen will be doing most of the editing me and my group mates are still trying to be part of it. We’re doing this by using our creativity to come up to come up with the layout itself. The plan for the layout is to put any of the credits on open space. We took this into consideration during our filming process too. While we helped Owen he put together all the clips and cut them to fit the time correctly. As a group, we also decided to come up with our studio name. For this, it was kind of a debate. While Owen wanted: Visionary Films. Michelle and I wanted: Infinity Studios. This part of the editing process was one of the harder ones because at the end we are a group and we have to all be on board with a decision. At the end, we chose Visionary Films because Owen is very good at making his point. After this, Owen continued editing while Michelle and I tweaked multiple parts of other pieces of our final task. This took awhile and by the time we were done it was around 10pm. Due to our curfews we had to then leave Owen’s place. I can’t wait to be done and show you guys the final product. Bye blog!


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