Production blog: FInal decision on location

Hii Blog, long time no see. Today, me and my partners are finalizing our decision about the location for the final task. My group decided to meet up during last weekend to decide which of our homes would be utilized during the filming scenes. First, Owen showed Michelle and I his living room, kitchen and attic. This are some of the locations I took as consideration due to majority of our film being filmed there. Afterwards, I visited other locations of my own like my dad’s house. And uncle’s. My dad’s house is smaller and further from my group mates  complicating distance and days available. Also, since he lives in the city his neighborhood happens to be more nosy and does not receive the best lightning. Then, I visited my uncle’s but again, he also happens to live in the city and although his neighborhood is quiet for the most part it does not receive the best lightning. Another issue, is that it’s smaller than our original location and we’re not able to get through the kitchen to the living room without hitting something. This would be a difficulty for our filming and would not only give us limited space but would result in our video looking  over-saturated. The next day, as group, we went to Owen’s and rehearsed some of the sequences. When I began filming, I wanted to make sure to offer the audience good effects and a minimal space. I practiced each scene with the props and switched our ideas around. This lead us to as a group film in Owen’s house. This was the best idea due to easy access for everyone due to location and film at any moment if necessary. Nonetheless, the house is fantastic and finally seeing our location helped me create more ideas to make the best film. As a group we began drawing new ideas for props and scenes. Bye blog, see you in the next step!


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