Production blog: New discovery


Hii Blog, Welcome back. Today, I continued practicing some of the angles and shots with my group. I began by calling Owen to see if it was possible for Michelle and I to go over. Once he gave us the all clear we headed over. I checked that all the props we got last time were present. So I went over my scene again and again. Before I recorded them, I practiced a few times but with the props. They are being recorded so that we have a starting point for our film. After examining the previous shots, I'll see if anything needs to be rectified or improved before creating and assembling the video. To proceed, I shot my first scene, in which I checked outside the door to seek for any stalkers (Owen and Michelle). However this one had to be repeated since the lighting was not cooperating. I wanted a dark vibe but it made everything un-watchable. It took those four scenes for me to get the lighting right. As I got used to the filming attitude, I was able to obtain some wonderful coverage on what I was doing. Owen then videotaped me acting out some other basic scenes from the short film. In my perspective, these turned out wonderfully. After a couples of hours I got tired and just gave up. As a result, I decided it was enough for the day. I immediately arranged some more props that he could get for us and went on with our days. After today, I discovered that the lighting is far better with the source coming from behind the camara as it evens out the light. Other than that, that's it for now. Bye blog, see you next time.


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