Production Blog: Peer Review


When we sent our film to Eileen she thought our concept of murder in a high school was not unheard of, but we added a twist that made her feel interested throughout the film. Eileen opinion not only meant a lot to Michelle, Owen and I because she was critiquing and giving feedback on our film. But because she is our friend. We wanted her too genuinely like it. After watching the film, she had a list of pros and cons. Things she thought we did well and some things we could improve upon. The pros were that she thought we had good angles, nice lighting, our costumes and the horror. The con was the audio. She said that the angles we chose to use for each of our shots fit. That even though they were simple we weren’t trying to overpower our work. As for the lighting she complimented us on our ability to work as the sun was setting. This was something we only had so much control over but we did it really well. As for our costumes, she thought that they fit our vision when trying to fit the characters costumes. She believed that they fit the characters personality in the end. Although we showed her the first draft she decided our final was better but we still wanted to try.    We thanked her for that and really enjoyed what she had to say because we thought long and hard about what we were going to dress the characters in. “The horror”, Eileen commended us for fitting the amount of horror and suspense we did into the two minutes we had. She quoted it as “immersive and that the mystery is created nicely.” Now my group and I are very creative beings so of course we tried to fit as much in as we could. As for the con. The audio/speech, she noted that we should have spoken louder. Although the criticism was light we still took into consideration. Every blog we’re a step closer. Bye blog!!


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