Our pitch: Short film


Pitch A:
A mafia rival’s boss goes undercover as an ally to avenge the death of her brother. 

Pitch B: A secret witch pretends to fall in love with people and then turns them into legos, which she then collects. 

Thought process behind: Pitch A: For this one, it would be very accessible and easy to record since we have access to many cool places due to our accessibility to the city. We can also use the support from our friends to record and an act on it. This would be very fun and we would have no major issue since this can all be done with the use of angles and lighting. It would be such a fun option. We can have complete creative freedom while recording and the opportunity to make great memories. 

Thought process behind: Pitch B: For this one although it seems like a great idea it will be sort of difficult to film. First, we would have to use around five to ten legos which could be harder to get the right on fitting with the right person. Second, it would be very hard to record without laughing or making it as serious as it deserves to be. Even though we have drive to make this and have fun with it, at the end of the day it’s difficult to maintain serious throughout. Another issue we faced was the lack of interest from our group, which let us to re-evaluate our choices.

Final decision: Since our whole group had not the same drive for the second one we’re going with..

An ally or your worst nightmare, remember my brother?


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