Comparing Le Jetée, the short, and 12 Monkeys, the full-length movie

Hi blog!! We’re back!! Today we will be comparing the 12 monkeys video and the article.

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- My takeaway from this video is that there are many key differences between films and photo novels, and those differences are essential to understand how an audience perceives different media forms. This includes but is not limited to acting, plot, story-telling, and editing.

- Some good information I gathered while processing this video was how important the plot is as well as a climax to a film. It is hard to write a script, but as good as other elements of a film may be, without a plot there is nothing your audience can grip onto for the duration of the film and can be the downfall of what could've been great. It is good to have an idea but it is crucial to be able to execute it.

- I envision this helping me through my short film process by helping me think more about whether or not an audience understands my film based off the script and not just whether or not I understand it. It will help me keep in mind that in this case I have to keep people's attention and interest as my top priority as I write my films. This will serve especially well as I try to mix thriller and comedy into one cohesive work that flows well.

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- My takeaway from this article is that different genres can be used to make something interesting and cohesive- no matter the media form. While other media forms may serve as more entertaining than others, as long as you have a story it can be told.

- Some good information I gathered whole reading this article was how crucial it is to make sure that your story has a beginning, middle, and end. It is important because without it, a story can easily become boring. The use of such simple techniques mixed with more complex ideas, such as foreshadowing, completes a story by the end and allows for the audience to understand a story and have it all clik together without many or any questions. While it is stereotypical for films to need the best quality or best production in order to tell a good story, both Le Jetee and 12 Monkeys tell a great and touching story that encapsulates many aspects of film without being the best of the best production-wise. This is because both directors knew how to tell a story and capture its essence.

- I envision this helping me throughout my short film process by helping me keep in mind how powerful a story is and to not fixate on camera quality and sound production and editing as much as a story. While they are still important factors that are key to films, they do not make it. A story makes or breaks a film because it helps lead a team to properly execute it. A well-written story helps everything make sense and click into place- executing a good film.



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