Ivy is the color I see: The set-up!

Hii blog, I’m back!! Today my group and I are editing all the clips together. Since my group decided to divide the duties with this project we choose a specific person to do the editing. Owen, who happens to be the most experienced in everything to has to do with editing taught me and Michelle all new things for our future blogs. First, my group and I gathered all of our favorites clip of what we filmed and the audio that was clean for our song. Then, all of the clips were organized the way it fit the storyline correctly in a file and began debating which program was going to be used. At the end, as a group we decided CapCut because as I’ve previously said it’s one of the most simple programs to be used. Then, Owen cut all of the clips to make a cohesive storyline and have an effective visual flow. Owen played around with the timing multiple time making it the best it could be which taught me how to effectively use the cutting feature on the program.Owen also taught us how to add ...